Feeding & Nutrition Consultations for Dog Owners

Professional mentoring options for canine nutritionists & other canine health practitioners can be found on the main menu.

Get professional guidance in a direct 1:1 session about what’s best for your dog.

Raw diet and canine nutrition consultations are a good fit for both new & experienced dog owners who would like to ask questions about canine nutrition, raw feeding, or cooked diets.

Sometimes figuring out a nutrition plan for your dog on your own can be overwhelming & there’s so much general information online that you wish you could just ask a nutritionist direct questions about your dog.

I will answer questions for you & help you develop an uncomplicated plan for your dog.

Add-on an optional balanced feeding system to help make it easy for you to feed your dog a balanced diet every day.

My balanced feeding systems are specifically formulated to optimally support your dog by providing proper nutrition. Each system includes intuitive vitamin and amino acid boosters that support your dog in a thriving life along with a hydration tool that helps you make sure you offer your dog enough water for their individual needs. The feeding systems use canine nutrition guidelines for check + balance and intuitively adjust to your dog’s caloric and nutritional needs based on what you tell it about your dog.

Online consultations are a helpful mix of live voice where we can have a conversation and written content; so the consultation in its entirety can be saved for your reference.

The consultation platform allows you to have access to the digital files of our time together to play back and read over as much as you’d like. 

Consultations can often be scheduled within the same week depending on availability. See below to select your package option and schedule your consult date & time.

All dates and times are US date zone, pacific time zone.

These consults are for healthy dogs only. Please visit the therapeutic formulation tab here or on the main menu if your dog is in need of food therapy support.

Consultation Packages Options

Select the Package Below that Best Fits Your Needs.

Not Currently Accepting New Clients

1:1 Consultation Option: $95.00

This Consultation Option Includes One 60-Minute Consultation for Dog Owners

Click Here to Get Scheduled

1:1 Consultation + Balanced Feeding System: $135.00

One 60-Minute Consultation + One Balanced, Single Recipe Feeding System for Dog Owners

Click Here to Get Scheduled